For the last two weeks I have been busting my ass trying to finish the Brooklyn Baby Blanket before my parents came to visit last Friday. They were nice enough to offer to bring it back to Sudbury with them at the end of their trip. In true Allison fashion, I optimistically believed that I only needed a week to knit an entire blanket and had been knitting it at the expense of all other knitting. This has been extremely frustrating because I had a great idea for a new Pinch Knits design that I really wanted to make…
Early last week it dawned on me that I wouldn’t finish the blanket when my parents arrived, nor would I finish it by the time they left, even if I knit non-stop during their entire visit. That’s when I had an epiphany. I knit boutique baby hats. My sister is having a baby. Why not make the new Pinch Knits designs for her wee one?
I know, I always get these insane ideas too..."I can make a pair of socks on a Saturday, no problem"...cut to three weeks later and I'm still working.
that hat is super sweet!
Posted by: lisa the knitter | November 12, 2009 at 06:11 PM
Oh my gosh that hat is ADORABLE!
Posted by: Jummy | November 12, 2009 at 11:11 PM
Love this new hat! Will totally keep babe warm during winter!
Posted by: Jessica | November 13, 2009 at 02:53 PM
That hat is so great. It did blow everyone away at the party. Missed you though. Your sister looks ready to pop! I hope someone sends you a photo of the cake. It was so delish.
Posted by: Nanajan | November 19, 2009 at 10:33 AM